Thursday, May 19, 2011

TV, anyone? Fridge?

Does anyone want a TV...not a flat panel TV of course, just an old, heavy, relic?  I have 2 that are in need of a new home.  Also a fridge, queen bed, side table, etc... no one on Craigslist seems very interested.  Has Craigslist's usefulness come and gone?!  I used to be able to "re home" my castoffs much more easily.... oh well...  The garage sale was mildly successful...very mild.  I made a few bucks and cleared out some small stuff.  I was very grateful to the local realtor (Val Ives) who posted garage sale signs, advertised, and brought me coffee and doughnuts.  I was dismayed with the shoppers who would barely spend fifty cents and asked for a bag to carry their purchase.  I was particularly unhappy with the young woman who asked me for my "best price" on the fridge, then asked if I could help her move it, THEN asked if I'd knock $20 off my best price!!! NO, I will not... because that was my "best price"!  Ah well.  After a trip to Goodwill I can now get the car back into the garage,  but still the big items remain. Ugh!  ...and I haven't stopped finding things all over the house that I should have garage-saled.
I am extremely grateful for Jamie who took Troy to a birthday party for me that afternoon, and for Linda who brought me dinner that night.  What am I going to do in WA without my awesome support network?!  In an effort to get a jump on networking in WA, I have contacted the MOMS Club of Lacey.  They have forwarded me a membership application.  Makes me feel a bit better that at least I have an avenue for making some new connections once I get to WA.  Not that my wonderful friends here in SoCal could ever be replaced, because they are absolutely irreplaceable!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh I can relate! My garage is a nightmare and that is even AFTER the garage sale. I think I only had 6 customers that day. What is up? Last year atthis time I had folks fighting over my crap...yes crap. Not this year though.
