Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good News and Bad News

Scott calls from Texas and says, "I have some good news, ... and some bad news".  The good news?  He is going to be coming home after the first portion of his training finishes in September. Yippie!  The bad news?  He is being transferred to a unit that is scheduled to deploy to Iraq at the end of the year.  Yup, you read that correctly, he is going to Iraq.  I need to digest this news... I knew it was a possibility but was not fully prepared for the reality of it happening.  I suspect I will never be fully prepared to be without my partner for a year. If anyone wants to schedule a visit to WA to see us in 2012, we'd love to have you!


  1. Ianthe... I am so sorry to hear the bad news-- but loved the good news! Lots of thoughts and prayers coming your way my friend.

  2. Hey Ianthe,
    I cannot believe it! I am so sorry to hear that. Hang in there my friend. Wish I could give you a big hug right now.

  3. I just read this. OMG! The Army really doesn't waste any time, do they? I will come visit in 2012.
